Consent Preferences
Blue and white swirl from the sky connecting with a person sitting under a tree with mountains in the background as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Method lessons for The Embodied Life

Common Embodied Life Terms


Embodied meditation – A bare-bones, non-ideological approach to experiencing the present moment. This is the basis for being at home in ourselves. 

Guided Inquiry – A variety of awareness experiments to uncover obstacles to presence and inviting direction. Learning to bring a caring, curious presence to our emotions and “negative” thoughts is truly transformative. These practices help to mobilize effective intentionality.

Embodied Movement Practices  - Feldenkrais movement lessons are powerful, neurologically-based motor sequences that quickly invite a deepening of body awareness.  In addition, you will learn simple, standing movements based on archetypal patterns found in art throughout the world, inviting potent, life-giving experiences.

Presencing - The process of engaging fully in the present moment. When "presencing a moment", you are experiencing the here and now as an integration of: body, mind, heart, nature and your social world - cultivating the art of Being and authentic humanity.

Re-Visioning – From this state of presencing, you can open to images, directions and guidance from "the wisdom body", a source of reliable intuitions for your uniquely unfolding life.