Close up of green palm tree frond as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Method lessons for Developing Your Connectedness

Try Class One!

Finding Support for Presence


Because Feldenkrais lessons develop our capacity for presence, self-awareness, and focus, they're a valuable tool for anyone seeking to cultivate the unification of their whole self. This series of classes with guest Feldenkrais Teacher, Carol Kress, featuring a set of Feldenkrais lessons designed to potentiate your yoga and meditation practices. 

This is an opportunity to bring flexibility to self-limiting patterns that may be getting in the way of the fullness of your experience. The lessons in this on-demand program will expand your internal self-image in ways that are both meditative and practical. You will discover a greater sense of authenticity and interconnectedness, improved ease and coordination, better balance and breathing, and a fuller and more comfortable range of movement.

In addition to her work as a Feldenkrais Teacher, Carol Kress is a martial artist, yoga practitioner, and tango dancer. She inspires us to explore movement unfolding from the inside. Her approach is gentle yet strong. This series of Feldenkrais classes will benefit yogis of all levels, as well as those engaged in a range of mindfulness studies.

This program will help you to:

  • Develop a sense of yourself as a coordinated, dynamic whole
  • Develop greater comfort, ease, and ability in your yoga practice
  • Improve your focus to enhance your meditation practice
  • Develop greater self understanding and appreciation
  • Nurture a sense of embodied mindfulness
  • Facilitate better organization and freedom from habitual patterns
  • Develop an alert, balanced, readiness for action
  • Bring body and mind together; thought and action
  • Explore how you enter and exit from movements

"Amazing series! Carol's guidance was excellent. There was so much new to find, feel, explore, and integrate into my yoga practice. The lessons helped me feel pure joy and an easiness I've never experienced before.”

-Previous series participant

Program includes:
  • Seven Feldenkrais lessons
  • Two Q&As
  • Lifetime access to recordings and option to download
  • Information to help you adapt the lessons to alternative positions

Payment Options

Pay in US Dollars

$115 USD


Pay in Loonies

$122 CAD


Pay in Euros

€105 EUR


Pay in Pounds

£90 GBP


Pay in Aus Dollars

$136 AUD


Pay in Shekels

₪325 ILS


Pay in Kiwis

$155 NZD

Carol Kress smiling in front of a wall of paintings

About Carol

Carol Kress has been a Feldenkrais Practitioner for more than 25 years. She brings dedication and a deep respect for the essence of the Feldenkrais Method to her teaching. In her private practice, Carol works with both adults and children with a variety of difficulties, including chronic pain and neurological problems. Carol's work is informed by her involvement in equestrian arts, a practice in yoga for 28 years, a long-time practice of the martial art of Aikido, (for which she holds a 4th-degree black belt), and also, a passion for Argentine Tango. Carol lives and works in Marin County, California, and teaches worldwide.