
Join David Zemach-Bersin and friends online! Options include weekly theme-based classes and advanced trainings for Feldenkrais professionals.

Live Online Events

September 12-October 24

Live online and on-demand


It’s a paradox: Our joints are lubricated and maintain their health through movement. But when our joints are painful, we tend to feel like moving less. So, how can we improve our joint health safely? David is eager to answer this important question with a series suitable for people with arthritis, bursitis, poor postural habits, strains and injuries, inflammation, fibromyalgia, lupus, and joint pain related to long-Covid. Try the first class--FREE!

Find out more.

October 26-November 23

Live online and on-demand


If you have vision problems, headaches, vertigo, or nagging patterns of chronic tension, it is possible that you had a head injury long ago that did not heal completely. The Feldenkrais lessons in this series will help you to improve your neuromuscular and skeletal organization, balance your nervous system, improve your balance and vestibular responses, restore the cervical curve of your neck, restore healthy spinal movement, and reduce tension throughout your body. 

Try the first class--FREE!

Find out more.

October 31-December 12

Live online and on-demand


Because they are gentle, flexible, and highly personalized, Feldenkrais lessons are especially suited to helping you with the challenge of reducing chronic pain. These unique movement sequences will give you opportunities to change and affect your experience of pain. In this series with Raz Ori, we will experience the healing power of effortless movements as we build new neurological pathways towards pain relief. By accessing the intelligence of our nervous system and using non-painful parts of ourselves, we will gradually begin to create new neurological connections for reducing chronic pain and discomfort.

Find out more.

About Scholarships

Feldenkrais Access aims to make the Feldenkrais Method accessible to everyone. If you're interested in joining us for an online series or workshop but can't do so due to limited funds, please read this article about our scholarship program. 
Additionally, if you live somewhere with an unfavorable exchange rate, please consider our currency assistance program.

Frequently Asked Questions