Consent Preferences

User Agreement

We appreciate you buying these products. Income from these sales allows Feldenkrais Access to continue the work of bringing new educational products to Feldenkrais practitioners and the general public. Copying, sharing, or otherwise distributing these works is illegal and deprives us of the resources to continue bringing you new educational products. 

As a purchaser of our products, you are expressly ALLOWED (licensed) to use the materials in the following ways:

  • Private viewing for private study purposes.
  • You may copy digital materials, for personal use, on up to two (2) devices you own.

You are expressly NOT ALLOWED to use the products in the following ways:

  • Making any copies of the material, except where expressly allowed by the Agreement.
  • Creation of any copies in any format to sell or give away free.
  • Any broadcast or distribution of materials without specific written permission of Feldenkrais Access.
  • Loaning, lending, or sharing the materials, including providing them to a library for that purpose.

50% Complete

Two Step

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