Skeletal structure of human pelvis area labeled at the top with the spine down to the ischium and pubis as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Method lessons for Activate Your Power Center

This on-demand program with David Zemach-Bersin focuses on your pelvis, your body's essential power and support center. Because the largest and most powerful muscles of your body connect to your pelvis, it profoundly influences the ease and efficiency of every movement you make. You will find that when your pelvis is better integrated with the rest of your body, all of your actions will become simpler, more effective, and less stressful.

Of all the ingenious movement exercises or lessons created by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the 'Pelvic Clock' is probably the most famous. Originally called 'Differentiation of Pelvic Movements by Means of an Imaginary Clock,' the Pelvic Clock lesson is known for its ability to improve movement and reduce discomfort. It has general value for everyone, regardless of our challenges or limitations.

In this program, David  teaches a series of eight interconnected lessons that amplify and reveal the beneficial aspects of the original Pelvic Clock lesson as they build, one upon the other, to improve the organization of your entire body in relation to your pelvis.

This program will benefit your:
  • Hip joints and lower back
  • Posture
  • Ability to sit comfortably
  • Self-use and flexibility 
  • Musculoskeletal organization
  • Ability to turn and get up and down
  • Mobility of your spine

"I'd pretty much resigned myself to the fact that my status was as good as it would get. Then, I found Feldenkrais Access. Now I move  with more ease and significantly less pain and stiffness. It is truly a miracle."

-Previous Program Participant

Program includes:
  • Eight Feldenkrais lessons
  • One Q&A session
  • Lifetime access to recordings and option to download

Please Note: Before we add an on-demand program to our store, it undergoes a rigorous editing process. This program has not yet been edited. So, while the quality of the lessons and the lessons themselves are not affected, you may notice time-sensitive information that is no longer relevant. 

Payment Options

Pay in US Dollars

$139 USD


Pay in Loonies

$154 CAD


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€129 EUR


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£110 GBP


Pay in Aus Dollars

$168 AUD


Pay in Shekels

₪415 ILS


Pay in Kiwis

$182 NZD

David Zemach-Bersin smiling in front of a background of trees in autumn weather wearing a dark blue zip-up jacket

About David

Feldenkrais Trainer, David Zemach-Bersin graduated from the first Feldenkrais training program held in the U.S. He is a warm, experienced teacher, recognized for his high level of expertise and over fifty years of dedication to the Feldenkrais Method. David teaches and has maintained a private practice since 1977. He currently directs Feldenkrais Access and has been creating specialized programs and teaching classes and workshops online for both Feldenkrais Practitioners and the public since 2020. He lives with his family in Connecticut.