Yellow orange and red abstract spine in front of a bright blue background as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Method lessons for Reducing Sciatic Pain

Back pain plagues an estimated 570 million people around the globe. It is sometimes accompanied by nerve pain that is felt in the buttocks or one or both legs and can cause numbness in the feet. This type of referred nerve pain is commonly known as sciatica.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in our body. If it is pinched or compressed, the sciatic nerve can become inflamed and cause discomfort. Sciatic pain can be extremely uncomfortable and is frequently not experienced where the impingement originates, but further down the neural pathway.
Fortunately, doing Feldenkrais lessons can help us to reduce most cases of sciatic pain. In this on-demand program, Feldenkrais Trainer and Director of Feldenkrais Access, David Zemach-Bersin, will share a set of specific Feldenkrais lessons that can help you avoid, reduce, and eliminate sciatic pain. These gentle lessons will give you new ways to maintain a healthy, well-organized back. You will learn how and why sciatica develops and what you can do to protect yourself from having sciatic attacks in the future.

"I have a long history of backache, sometimes so severe that all I can do is rest on heat. I've dabbled in Feldenkrais for many years and knew how well I felt after each lesson, but I'd never managed to be consistent. So, I finally decided to see what would happen if I were to do a lesson daily. The change in my body was nothing short of miraculous. From having back pain every day, to none! Now, my back often feels decades younger than 74."

-Previous Program Participant

Program includes:
  • Seven Awareness Through Movement lessons
  • One live post- workshop Q&A session
  • Lifetime access to recordings and option to download

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$149 USD


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€139 EUR


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$186 AUD


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₪450 ILS


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$204 NZD

David Zemach-Bersin smiling in front of a background of trees in autumn weather wearing a dark blue zip-up jacket

About David

Feldenkrais Trainer, David Zemach-Bersin graduated from the first Feldenkrais training held in the U.S. He is a warm, experienced teacher, recognized for his high level of expertise and forty-five years of dedication to the Feldenkrais Method. David has maintained a private practice since 1977. He currently directs Feldenkrais Access and has been creating programs and teaching classes and workshops online for both Feldenkrais Practitioners and the public since 2020. He lives with his wife and collaborator in Connecticut.