Activate your brains potential for visual repair and improvement with a gentle program developed by David Webber.
When David Webber developed a chronic inflammatory eye condition called uveitis, he went to the doctor. That doctor led him to another doctor, and then another, and another. Five years and five surgeries later, the specialists gave up hope, and David was left to rebuild his life with only a prescription for prednisone to help with the pain and inflammation. The disease robbed him, not only of his sight, but also his livelihood, and, as he put it, "everything I knew of as who I was."
Unable to do very much, David started taking Feldenkrais lessons. Though at first, it was mostly to get out of the house, the Feldenkrais lessons put him on a path from 'legally blind' to 20/20 vision. What David discovered was how to improve his eyes by improving the movement of his body. Drawing upon his own successful experience, David Webber created Seeing Clearly, a program designed to help others improve their eyesight, decrease the symptoms of uveitis, reduce the symptoms of computer vision syndrome, lessen their dependence on glasses, and reduce jaw tension. Taught all over the world, the results have been astounding.
Seeing Clearly interacts with your brain and nervous system to reduce muscular tension in your eyes, increase ocular circulation, improve movement and focus, and enhance the coordination between your eyes, brain, and body.
With this program, you will learn how to:
- Calm your nervous system and relax the muscles of your eyes to increase ocular circulation.
- Improve the way your eyes move to look comfortably in all directions and avoid unnecessary strain.
- Direct your eyes with greater precision to focus effectively both near and far.
- Enhance the coordination between your brain, eyes, and body to improve your 3D vision and balance.
"David Webber's Seeing Clearly program has helped me regain 60% of my lost vision due to non-age-related macular degeneration. Despite multiple laser surgeries and eye injections, I'd completely lost the vision in my right eye. Determined to try and help myself, I stumbled upon the work of David Webber. Within about three weeks, my vision started to return. The improvements are real and significant - the results are evident in my monthly eye tests and scans. My retinologist is supportive to the point that he has suggested Seeing Clearly to other patients. I highly recommend David Webber's work to anyone with an eye condition!"
-Sherry Owen, Montreal, QC, Canada
Ten-plus hour program includes:
- Nine Feldenkrais lessons
- Four Action Processes
- Six discussions
- Lifetime access to recordings
- Option to download recordings
For this program you will need:
- One juggling ball and
- One eye patch in order to experience the Action Processes
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