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About Our Scholarship Program

access news Jan 04, 2021
Hi! My name is Ira. I am the Managing Director of Feldenkrais Access. Though I usually hide in the background, I wanted to come to the foreground for a minute in order to talk to you about Feldenkrais Access's scholarship program.
When we began announcing live online classes this year, we put a notice at the bottom of every email saying "Scholarships available." I thought those two words would be enough to encourage people to reach out. I was wrong. What was needed was an invitation. We've been doing our best to invite you to apply for a scholarship via our emails and FB posts over the last few weeks. Maybe you've seen them?
There has been a theme to the emails that have arrived since we've started promoting this program: people feel bad asking for one. Maybe they already received a scholarship from us early this year, or they feel like the series is worth more than they can pay, or they've never had to ask for a scholarship before, and it is an uncomfortable place to...
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Free! New Online Lessons

access news Apr 09, 2020
The threat of the coronavirus has activated our ‘sympathetic’ nervous system, and we are feeling it with stress indicators like anxiety, aches and pains, tension, shortness of breath, indigestion, and difficulty sleeping. Our 'fight or flight' response is great in an emergency, but it is not healthy for us to maintain it -continuously- for long periods of time. Prolonged sympathetic activation is exhausting and associated with high blood pressure, high cortisol levels, muscular tension, inflammation, anxiety, and a suppressed immune system. During these unprecedented times, we are offering numerous free lessons to help you maintain a healthy nervous system: 
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