Hand drawn tool kit as an illustration of online Feldenkrais Method lessons for Essential Action Tool Kit

Eight Workshops

Easy Breathing • Easy Turning • Easy Reaching • Easy Balance • Easy Sitting • Easy Standing • Easy Getting Up & Down • Easy Walking


These short, on-demand programs focus on improving the essential elements of our everyday movement. They will give you greater comfort and efficiency in many of the actions you engage in, moment to moment.

We live our lives in movement. Therefore, adding these ‘essential action’ lessons to your self-care tool kit makes sense. This program will give you effective tools to help you improve your breathing, sitting, standing, walking, balancing, turning, reaching, lifting, and lowering yourself. You will find that improving the details of your movement will bring you ease and freedom in unexpected ways.

Every movement we make comprises hundreds of even smaller movements--muscular adjustments and neurological messages. Reaching for a glass of water and taking a sip, for example, involves balance and aim, maybe turning or bending, and coordination of the muscles of your back, stomach, arm, shoulder, neck, and fingers. When one of these essential elements of movement is constrained, constricted, disorganized, or hindered in some way, your activities are affected.

David brings almost fifty years of clinical experience to his online approach. His lessons are highly accessible, effective, and remarkably suited to home use. David believes that every person’s nervous system is available for learning and improvement. And he is confident that the Feldenkrais Method can help! These programs are accessible to everyone.

Each program includes:
  • Two Awareness Through Movement® lessons (sometimes a third, 'bonus' lesson may be added)
  • Introductory talk
  • Lifetime access to recordings and option to download
  • Recordings show alternative position options when possible
 Two Purchase Options:
  • Purchase workshops individually
  • Purchase the entire program and save 50%!

Purchase Single Workshops

Purchase All 8 Workshops

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$200 USD


Pay in Loonies

$220 CAD


Pay in Euros

€190 EUR


Pay in Pounds

£165 GBP


Pay in Aus Dollars

$245 AUD


Pay in Shekels

₪630 ILS


Pay in Kiwis

$270 NZD

David Zemach-Bersin smiling in front of a colorful tapestry

About David

David Zemach-Bersin graduated from the first Feldenkrais training held in the U.S. He is a warm, experienced teacher, recognized for his high level of expertise and forty-five years of dedication to the Feldenkrais Method. David has maintained a private practice since 1977. He currently directs Feldenkrais Access and has been creating programs and teaching classes and workshops online for both Feldenkrais Practitioners and the public since 2020. He lives in the Farmington Valley area of Connecticut.